Billing Beat

Helicobacter Pylori Billing Policy Update

March 1, 2009

Effective for dates of service on or after March 1, 2009, laboratory CPT codes 83009 (Helicobacter pylori – blood test analysis for urease activity, non-radioactive isotope), 83013 (Helicobacter pylori – breath test for urease activity, non-radioactive isotope), 83014 (Helicobacter pylori – breath test for urease activity, non-radioactive isotope drug administration), 87338 (infectious agent antigen detection by immunofluorescent technique; Helicobacter pylori, stool) and 87339 (infectious agent antigen detection by immunofluorescent technique; Helicobacter pylori) are reimbursable only when billed in conjunction with one of the following ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes:

Modified Codes – CARC:

ICD-9-CM Codes Description
041.86 Helicobacter pylori
200.30 – 200.39 Marginal zone lymphoma
287.31 Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
531.00 – 531.99 Gastric ulcer
532.00 – 532.99 Duodenal ulcer
533.00 – 533.99 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified
534.00 – 534.99 Gastrojejunal ulcer
536.8 Dyspepsia and other specified disorders of function of stomach
V12.71 Personal history of peptic ulcer disease

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