Keys to Countering PAMA
July 1, 2018The second round of PAMA cuts are
projected to cut individual test payment rates by up to 15%. With this in mind, now is the time that labs should be
looking to market trends and strategies in order to prosper. At the NYSCLA Annual Meeting this year XiFin CEO and
Executive Chairman gave a presentation on strategies to offset PAMA cuts.
Here are the most important keys to mitigate future price cuts:
Solid Reporting:
Contracting at a Percentage of Medicare:
Contracting Without Consideration to the Market Value of Testing:
Patient, Physician, and Payor Engagement
PAMA is going to have an effect on labs all over the country but that does not mean you can’t come up with strategies
to offset these cuts and continue to increase revenues.
Want to learn more about PAMA and how to combat it? View Lâle Whites full presentation slides above and download
our Executives Guide to PAMA Impact
to learn about the financial ramification of the PAMA exercise and resultant CLFS.