Protest of MAC Contract Awards
October 25, 2012- As of October 16, 2012, two protests have been filed against the Jurisdiction E MAC contract that was awarded to Noridian Administrative Services on September 20. CMS has issued a stop work order for the Jurisdiction E contract. During the GAO review period, which is expected to be completed by the end of January 2013, Medicare providers in California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific territories will continue to file their Medicare claims with the incumbent A/B MAC (Palmetto GBA).
- On October 9, 2012, two protests have been filed against the Jurisdiction 6 MAC contract that was awarded to National Government Services on September 27. CMS has issued a stop work order for the Jurisdiction 6 contract. During the GAO review period, which is expected to be completed by late January 2013, the current Medicare FI and carriers will continue to administer Medicare payments to providers in Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
- On October 2, 2012, a protest has been filed against the Jurisdiction L MAC contract that was awarded to Novitas Solutions, Inc., on September 17. CMS has issued a stop work order for the Jurisdiction L contract. During the GAO review, which is expected to be completed by mid-January 2013, Novitas will continue to administer Medicare payments to providers in Jurisdiction L (the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, as well as the District of Columbia) under an existing contract.