Billing Beat

Anthem – Prior Authorization Update for Commercial Individual Business

October 13, 2020

The Medical Policies listed below, already being reviewed, will be moved to prior authorization for Commercial Individual business in Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin, on or after January 1, 2021.

Medical Policy or Clinical Guideline Code
GENE.0005 0157U, 0158U, 0159U, 0160U, 0161U
SURG.00121 33477
SURG.00010 53445, 53447
LAB.00016 81599
GENE.00011 81599
GENE.00037 81599
GENE.00020 81599
GENE.00016 81599
GENE.00018 81599
LAB.00019 81599
GENE.00023 81599
GENE.00009 81599
GENE.00026 81599
GENE.00052 81599
SURG.00007 C1767
CG-DME-44 E0766, A4555
GENE.00054 0157U, 0158U, 0159U, 0160U, 0161U
CG-SURG-95 C1767
SURG.00121 33477



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