Billing Beat

Clarification Concerning HIPAA 5010 and NCPDP D.0 Cut-Over and Impacts on Crossover Claims

January 31, 2012

CMS has learned that concern exists in the provider community concerning whether billing of hardcopy CMS 1500 or UB04 claims or HIPAA version 4010A1 batch claims will result in Medicare being unable to cross those claims over to COBA supplemental payers that have cut-over to exclusive receipt of crossover claims in the version 5010 837 claim formats. This is not true. During the 90-day Version 5010 non-enforcement period (January 1, through March 31, 2012), Medicare will have the systematic capability to perform up- or down-version conversion of incoming claim formats (i.e., convert incoming hardcopy formats to HIPAA equivalent claim formats and convert incoming version 4010A1 claim formats to 5010 formats and vice-a-versa), in accordance with external supplemental payer specifications concerning production claims format. This practice will discontinue, however, at the conclusion of the 90-day non-enforcement period, with the exception below. (This action is controlled by information that the Common Working File receives concerning individual supplemental payers’ ability to accept HIPAA 5010 in “production” mode.)

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