CMS – Medicare Remittance Remark Coding Update
January 1, 2004X12N 835 Health Care Remittance Advice Remark Codes
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the maintainer of the remittance advice remark codes used by Medicare. The list of remark codes is updated every March, July, and November.
The following remark codes were changed through June 30, 2003:
- 10 New Remark Codes: N202 through N211
- 55 Modified Remark Codes: M13 through N 169
X12N 835 Health Care Claim Adjustment Reason Codes
The Health Care Code Maintenance Committee maintains the health care claim adjustment reason codes. The Committee meets at the beginning of each X12 trimester meeting (February, June and October) and makes decisions about additions, modifications, and retirement of existing reason codes.
The following three reason codes were added in October 2003:
- 38
- 107
- 3155