Billing Beat

CPT® 2013 Errata and Technical Corrections: May 1, 2013

May 20, 2013
  • Radiology: Diagnostic Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging): Spine and Pelvis

â–²72040 Radiologic examination, spine, cervical; 2 or 3 views

Revise code 72040 to include the exact number of views “2 or 3 views” to eliminate overlap in the coding structure.

  • Pathology and Laboratory: Cytopathology

88187 Flow cytometry, interpretation; 2 to 8 markers

88188 9 to 15 markers

88189 16 or more markers

(For cell enumeration using immunologic selection and identification in fluid specimen [eg, circulating tumor cells in blood], see 86152, 86153)

Revise the parenthetical note following 88189 removing reference to deleted codes 0279T, 0280T and replace with 86152, 86153.

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