Billing Beat

Drug Screening Qualitative and Quantitative

May 20, 2015

This reimbursement policy will be updated with a title change (previously Drug Screening Qualitative and Quantitative) to include both drug screening and drug testing. The new policy name is Urine Drug Testing. It will also:

  • Add a daily unit maximum edit of ‘1′ to all HCPCS drug assay codes G6030-G6057
  • Require providers to bill HCPCS G codes G0431, G0434, G6030-G6058 instead of CPT codes 80300-80304, 80320-80377 and 83992 for both drug screening and drug testing
  • HCPCS G6030-G6057 is limited to one unit per patient encounter; up to a maximum of two units regardless of the number of drugs, drug classes or drug panels tested
  • HCPCS G6059 is eligible for reimbursement when the initial qualitative screening indicates drug abuse, misuse or diversion or when the immunoassay (qualitative) test is not commercially available

These changes are effective July 1 for all our commercial lines of business and Medicare Advantage.


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