Billing Beat

HRSA Funds Depleting by March 22, 2022

March 15, 2022

On Wednesday, March 15, 2022 the Office of Management and Budget submitted a letter to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, regarding concerns of dwindling funds for the HRSA Uninsured Program. The letter stated that, “one week from today – March 22 – the Uninsured Program will stop accepting new claims for testing and treatment due to lack of sufficient funds.”

The House is expected to propose and pass a standalone COVID funding bill that would allocate more money for the Uninsured Program, in addition to other items mentioned in the White House’s letter, but it is not expected to pass the Senate. This potentially has significant impact on HRSA laboratory claims currently pending, and to be filed in the future, to the Uninsured Program. Laboratories are encouraged to file any pending HRSA claims as soon as possible to help ensure payment. Impact analyses should be completed in order to determine potential revenue impacts on delayed payments or failure to receive any payment.  

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