Billing Beat

IHCP mass adjusts Medical and Crossover Part B claims involving HIP rate corrections

July 27, 2015

The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) identified a claims processing system issue that affected physician claims for HIP members processed from February 1, 2015, through April 29, 2015. Medical and Crossover Part B claims processed during that timeframe reimbursed incorrectly. The claims processing system has been corrected. Affected claims will be mass adjusted. Providers should have seen the mass adjustments on their Remittance Advice (RA) beginning June 23, 2015, with internal control numbers (ICNs) that begin with 56 (mass adjusted). For claims that were underpaid, the net difference is paid and reflected on the RA. If a claim was overpaid, the net difference appears as an accounts receivable. The accounts receivable will be recouped at 100% from future claims paid to the respective provider number.

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