Billing Beat

Laboratory National Coverage Determination – Update

March 1, 2004

CMS published their April update for NCDs. The only lab procedure updated is the Serum Iron Studies, CPT codes:

  • 82728 Ferritin
  • 83540 Iron
  • 83550 IBC
  • 84466 Transferin

The following diagnosis codes are added to the list of ICD-9 codes covered by Medicare:

  • 403.01 Hypertensive renal disease, malignant, with renal failure
  • 403.11 Hypertensive renal disease, benign, with renal failure
  • 403.91 Hypertensive renal disease, unspecified, with renal failure
  • 404.02 Hypertensive heart and renal disease, malignant, with renal failure
  • 404.03 Hypertensive heart and renal disease, malignant, with heart and renal failure
  • 404.12 Hypertensive heart and renal disease, benign, with renal failure
  • 404.13 Hypertensive heart and renal disease, benign, with heart and renal failure
  • 404.92 Hypertensive heart and renal disease, unspecified, with renal failure
  • 404.93 Hypertensive heart and renal disease, unspecified, with heart and renal failure

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