Billing Beat

Medicare Clinical Laboratory Services Competitive Bidding Demonstration Implemented

March 3, 2008

CR 5772 implements CMS Medicare Clinical Laboratory Services Competitive Bidding Demonstration in the first Competitive Bidding Area (San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, California metropolitan statistical area, or CBA1); and changes some of the demonstration’s requirements that were stated in CR5205, issued August 1, 2006.

Specifically, CR5772 requires that: The demonstration covers tests provided to beneficiaries enrolled in the traditional fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare program who reside in the competitive bidding area (CBA1) during the 3-year demonstration period Required bidders that do not bid, or bid and do not win, may serve as a reference laboratory to laboratories participating in the demonstration. However, they would not be allowed to bill Medicare directly for demonstration tests performed for Medicare FFS beneficiaries residing in the CBA.

Laboratories not required to bid: These laboratories will be paid under the competitively set demonstration fee schedule for the duration of the demonstration.

  • CMS will exempt laboratories that supply less than $100,000 annually in demonstration tests to Medicare FFS beneficiaries residing in the CBA from submitting bids.
  • CMS will exempt laboratories providing services exclusively to beneficiaries entitled to Medicare by reason of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) from submitting bids. (Tests that are paid as part of the ESRD payment bundle are excluded from the demonstration.)
  • CMS will exempt laboratories providing services exclusively to beneficiaries in nursing facilities or receiving home health services from submitting bids.

The demonstration in CBA1 is scheduled to begin on July 1, 2008.

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