Billing Beat

MolDX: Breast Cancer Index Genetic Assay LCD Retirement – Effective April 15, 2019

May 2, 2019

The following JF Local Coverage Determination (LCD) has been retired under contractor 02102 (AK), 02202 (ID), 02302 (OR), 02402 (WA), 03102 (AZ), 03202 (MT), 03302 (ND), 03402 (SD), 03502 (UT) and 03602 (WY).

Medicare Coverage Database Number: L36316
LCD Title: MolDX: Breast Cancer Index TM Genetic Assay
Effective Date: April 15, 2019
Rationale and/or (below statement): This LCD is retired and replaced by L37824 MolDX: Breast Cancer IndexTM (BCI) Gene Expression Test.


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