Billing Beat

MolDX: Oncotype DX AR-V7 Nucleus Detect for Men with Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer (MCRPC) Final LCD – Effective March 2, 2019

February 12, 2019

The following Local Coverage Determination (LCD) has completed the Open Public and Contractor Advisory Committee (CAC) comment period and is now finalized under contractor numbers 02102 (AK), 02202 (ID), 02302 (OR), 02402 (WA), 03102 (AZ), 03202 (MT), 03302 (ND), 03402 (SD), 03502 (UT) and 03602 (WY). Responses to comments received may be found as a link at the bottom of the final LCD. 

Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) Number/Contractor Determination Number:  L37744
LCD Title: MolDX: Oncotype DX AR-V7 Nucleus Detect for Men with Metastatic Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer (MCRPC)
Effective Date: March 02, 2019
Summary of LCD: This contractor will provide limited coverage for the Oncotype DX AR-V7 Nucleus Detect to help determine which patients with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer may benefit from androgen receptor signaling inhibitor therapy and which may benefit from chemotherapy.


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