Billing Beat

OIG: Fraud crackdown nets record-breaking recoveries

December 19, 2012

The Office of Inspector General is on its way to setting a record in recoveries of about $6.9 billion this fiscal year, according to its semiannual report submitted to Congress yesterday. The OIG reported $923.8 million from audits and $6 billion from investigations, as well as $8.5 billion in estimated savings resulting from legislative, regulatory or administrative actions from OIG’s recommendations. OIG said it excluded 3,131 individuals and entities from the federal health programs. It also reported 778 criminal actions against individual criminals or entities and 367 civil actions regarding false claims, civil monetary penalties and provider self-disclosure issues.  In Medicare, specifically, efforts by the federal program’s Fraud Strike Force resulted in charges against 305 individuals or entities, 181 convictions and $151 million in investigative receivables.


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