Palmetto J1 2013 MoPath Fee Schedule
February 28, 2013Palmetto GBA has determined a gapfill allowance for the 2013 MoPath CPT codes. The fees were based on the detailed analysis of multiple lab applications and a standardization of the submitted stacks. All services to produce the assay result, including the work for microdissection, were evaluated and included in the listed fee. Therefore, additional services should not be submitted in addition to the appropriate CPT code for your assay. Palmetto has also included the coverage determination established during the review of available literature. They will continue to update this fee schedule as the remaining MoPath services are evaluated.
Medicare Part A and Part B MAC for Jurisdiction 11; comprised of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. Medicare Part A and Part B MAC for Jurisdiction 1; comprised of California, Hawaii and Nevada.