Billing Beat

Provider Medicare Voluntary Refunds: Immediate Offset Requests Terminated

October 1, 2010

As of October 1, 2010, Palmetto GBA will no longer allow providers to request ’immediate offset’ as a payment method relating to voluntary/self-disclosed Medicare overpayments. Providers must submit a check made payable to Palmetto GBA or Medicare with the overpayment refund form. As an alternative to this, providers may request an immediate offset once an overpayment has been established and a demand letter has been sent to the provider. Once this notification is received from Palmetto GBA requiring a Medicare refund, it is suggested to request an immediate offset versus mailing a check to Palmetto GBA. In addition, providers may request to be placed on permanent immediate offset status by notifying Palmetto GBA with a signed authorization to recoup all existing and any future overpayments through claim payment offset. If an option is made to recoup future overpayments, a formal demand letter will continue to be mailed to the provider even though recoupment will be made through system offset. The provider also has the option to have an individual demand letter overpayment placed in immediate offset as opposed to authorizing all overpayments recouped through system offset. If this option is chosen, the provider should return the demand letter with ’Immediate Offset Requested’ written on the document.

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