Providers without NPIs
May 1, 2007Those submitting claims on behalf of physicians and providers who died before obtaining a National Provider Identifier (NPI), where such submitted claims were received by a Medicare contractor after May 23, 2007. Because deceased providers may not have NPIs, this article discusses what representatives of those providers need to do in order to submit claims that need to be paid.
If an individual provider dies before obtaining an NPI, the following apply:
- A representative of the estate of a proprietor cannot apply for an NPI for that provider posthumously.
- If a provider dies before obtaining an NPI and claims for that provider are received by a Medicare contractor after May 23, 2007, and Medicare (the Medicare contractor, the Medicare Online Survey and Certification Reporting System (OSCAR), of the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC)) has not been notified of the death, the claims will reject when received by Medicare due to the absence of the provider’s NPI.
- At that point, the claim submitter would be expected to contact the Medicare contractor to which the claims were submitted to discuss payment of the claims and report the providerÕs death. Toll free number of the Medicare contractors are available at on the CMS website.
- The State in which a provider furnishes care will continue to be responsible for notification of Medicare of the death of a provider following existing procedures. Since some States send such notifications on a quarterly basis, CMS is implementing the following procedures to enable affected claims to be paid more promptly:
- Because Medicare will reject an electronic claim received without an NPI after May 23, 2007, in cases where the provider died prior to obtaining an NPI, the provider’s representative will need to submit the claim on paper.
- A representative of the estate should then contact the claims processing contractor, who will notify the provider that they must submit the claims on paper and that they must annotate the claim to state that the provider is deceased in Item 19.