Billing Beat

UnitedHealthcare to Cover NIPT for Average-Risk Pregnancies

December 7, 2020

UnitedHealthcare updated its medical policy to cover noninvasive prenatal testing for pregnant women with an average risk for carrying babies with trisomies 21, 18, and 13.

The Minnetonka, Minnesota-based insurer, the largest private health insurer in the US, had previously covered NIPT testing only for high-risk pregnancies. The change takes effect on Jan. 1, 2021.

In its revised policy, UHC said that it will cover DNA-based NIPTs for women with a singleton pregnancy of maternal age or oocyte age of 35 years or older at the time of delivery, or if a fetal ultrasound indicates an increased risk of aneuploidy.

It will also cover NIPT if a prior pregnancy had a history of a trisomy; for a positive screening test during the first or second trimester that indicates an increased risk for T13 or T21; or for screening after pretest counseling from a board-certified genetic counselor or from the prenatal care physician or healthcare professional using shared decision-making.


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