Dive Into the Heart of Diagnostics at Precision Med TRI-CON 2024
Join XiFin experts at the leading international meeting place for the diagnostics and precision medicine community.
Don’t miss out on XiFin’s very own Clarisa Blattner, Senior Director of Revenue and Payor Optimization, as she leads an insightful panel:
Understanding How Industry and Payors See Each Other
Thursday, April 28 | 11:25 AM
Clarisa Blattner
Sr. Director, Revenue and Payor Optimizations
It seems like industry and payors are often at odds. Hear the latest data on claims, denials, and appeals, and how they evolve. Learn about the new field of academic studies of payor behavior—how they make decisions, how diverse they are, how long it should take. Understand better how commercial payors and Medicare differ. This panel will help you lay out product launch plans, whether you are a startup or a large company.