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Action Alert: Petition to expand the NIH Public Access Policy across all U.S. Federal Science Agencies

May 1, 2012

As the 2012 Presidential Election season swings into high gear, the Obama Administration has been actively considering which policy actions are priorities this year. It is imperative that we ensure that the issue of Public Access to the results of Federally Funded research is one of those priorities. We have a brief, critical window of opportunity to demonstrate our strong commitment to expanding the NIH Public Access Policy across all U.S. Federal Science Agencies.

Today, Monday, May 21st, a petition calling for Public Access to Federally Funded Research has been posted to the White House’s “We the People” site. When the petition garners 25,000 signatures within 30 days, it will be reviewed by White House staff, and considered for action.

To reach this number of signatures, we urge you to sign the petition at Then do all that you can to activate your networks to do the same. Qualified signers must be at least 13 years old, have a valid email address, and can come from inside or outside of the U.S. It takes less than a minute and every signature we can garner is needed right now.

XiFin stands with Genetic Alliance in asking you to please not only to sign the petition right now, but to spread the word far and wide. Write a quick blog post, an email to your business and personal contacts, a Tweet, a Facebook share, an action in your library – anything that immediately tells as many people as possible “I support this petition, I’m signing this petition, and I need you to sign it too.” Only this kind of deliberate and immediate action will convey our determination and resolve as we quickly reach the 25,000 signatures goal. The White House takes this petition site very seriously, and is particularly cognizant of public opinion as the Presidential election draws closer.

Thanks in advance for your signature and your social networking behind this action. Sign the petition now and spread the word so that together we will expand the NIH Public Access Policy to all US Federal Science Agencies!
Full URL:

Genetic Alliance

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