Expert Advice, Articles & Blogs XiFin EXCELLENCE

Hybrid Technology Fuses Clinical and Financial Data to Optimize Operations

May 1, 2014

Revenue cycle management is difficult in and of itself due to the complications around rules and regulations within our health system, which are in constant flux.  Technology is the answer. For example, radiology billing’s future is a value-based pricing model and indications are administrators will need to be able to identify, understand, and communicate data elements outside of claim data to prove radiology’s value.  Meaningful Use, EMR, EHR, ICD-10, and PQRS are all government mandates addressing communications to drive down costs, but it’s up to the private sector to find a means to effectively share that data.  Billing systems are now required to be a conduit to the communication platform that is based upon business intelligence, which provides data from multiple systems, in real-time, to allow radiology providers to succeed. 

Technology can extend far beyond billing to serve the needs of radiology providers and their patients. Hybrid billing systems that marry clinical and financial data can help to answer many important questions that previously may not have been answerable:

  • What is the true cost of delivering services?
  • How does profitability vary across each of the locations you serve?
  • Which prescribing physicians submit a higher percentage of orders that go unreimbursed?

Being able to more deeply understand the finer points of the cost and revenue sides of your business enables you to identify and resolve issue quickly and take advantages of previously hidden opportunities.

Successful radiology providers need systems that are interoperable and provide the full picture of the patient financial lifecycle. XiFin fuses clinical and financial data to create an environment that delivers on the radiology practice’s ever-present need for control and efficient workflow. More than a billing system, the XiFin hybrid, cloud-based approach provides the best of outsource billing functions and in-house billing administration with interoperability, extensive managed services, and a powerful BI platform built in. You achieve a new level of transparency into your operations and new capabilities to seamlessly coordinate care and maximize cashflow.

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