Is Your Precision Medicine Data IQ Where it Should be?
April 19, 2019Digital data is being generated at an astonishing clip, especially in the healthcare space. According to a November 2018 IDC report, healthcare is the fastest-growing industry datasphere that IDC evaluated. Critical and hypercritical (life-dependent) data are also growing fastest within the healthcare industry. IDC projects over 10 zettabytes (that’s 10 billion terabytes) of healthcare data by 2025.1 But unlocking and harnessing the value of all this data faces a number of challenges, starting with the fact that the data continues to be housed in separate medical information systems. As a result, healthcare professionals are limited in their ability to access, analyze, and observe relationships between multiparametric data points. This ability is a requirement for transforming data into knowledge. The essence of intelligence, is, after all, the thoughtful application of knowledge combined with skill.
Despite the investment in digitizing medical records, EMR and EHR systems may not meet the complex and specific precision medicine informatics needs of healthcare professionals.
Lori Anderson, Product Marketing Manager, XiFin
Curation of patient data into a single platform enables real-time access for care teams on the front line of healthcare delivery. The integration of all relevant patient data generates rich data sets that help to document the complete patient journey over time. The accumulated patient data creates a rich repository that can be analyzed to gain individual, cohort, and population health insights. Analysis of integrated data sets can accelerate medical discoveries to develop better treatments options. Better treatment options result in better patient outcomes.
Consider the value of the data that is currently housed in your health information systems. Is it accessible in the way you need it? Can you derive intelligence from it? Do you have the expertise and technology to fulfill the promise of your precision medicine program? Is your current precision medicine informatics platform able to manage the curation of the complex data sets and the analyses of patient data from complex diseases such as cancer? Regardless of where you are on your precision medicine informatics journey, solving for the complexities of patient data management will be critical for success. We invite you to engage with us on these issues by joining the LinkedIn Group Precision Medicine Informatics or participate in our ongoing precision medicine informatics survey.
This year, XiFin publicly launched VisualStrata, an integrated platform designed specifically for Precision Medicine Informatics. Read more here.
1. https://www.seagate.com/www-content/our-story/trends/files/idc-seagate-datcon-healthcare.pdf