For the first time, I feel I am in control of our LIS. We have been able to design the system to fit our operations and our unique needs.
Ons Zemni
Laboratory Administrator | Maya Laboratories
Success Story
Maya Laboratories specializes in surgical pathology, primarily related to gastroenterology. Maya had an existing Laboratory Information System (LIS) but was looking for a new LIS that provided them with more flexibility, automation, customization, and sophistication.
The organization needed a system that could efficiently process complex multi-part gastroenterology specimens through the lab workflow and ensure accurate reporting of test results. The company’s leadership was also looking for an LIS that gave them more control. For example, Maya wanted to be able to configure the workflow to meet its specific needs as well as the ability to better manage clients, more easily. Maya wanted to make modifications on its own, without being dependent on a software provider.
Maya selected XiFin LIS for a number of reasons, including the configurable automated workflows, the robust capabilities for patient and physician communication, and the ability to customize the diagnostic patient report.
Maya Laboratories
Maya Laboratories is a physician-owned anatomic pathology laboratory specialized in gastroenterology that services several gastroenterology groups in the Northern Virginia area.