BCBSKS Update – Medical Policies
March 5, 2019The following medical policies have been published to the BCBSKS website. Please see the Revision section of the policy to identify changes.
- Bone Mineral Density Studies
- Cryosurgical Ablation of Miscellaneous Solid Tumors Other Than Liver, Prostate, or Dermatologic Tumors
- Gene Expression Profiling for Cutaneous Melanoma
- Interspinous and Interlaminar Stabilization / Distraction Devices (Spacers)
- Surgical Treatment of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Syndrome
- Testing for Vitamin D Deficiency
- Ultraviolet Light Therapy for Skin Conditions
Source: https://www.bcbsks.com/CustomerService/Providers/MedicalPolicies/policies.shtml