Billing Beat

DermTech Enters Agreement With Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas for Skin Cancer Assay

March 10, 2021

Skin cancer diagnostic company DermTech this week announced that it has inked a contract that makes its Pigmented Lesion Assay available to approximately 6 million Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) members.

La Jolla, California-based DermTech said its Pigmented Lesion Assay for the early detection of melanoma is now available as an in-network option for BCBSTX’s Blue Essential, Traditional Indemnity, and PPO/POS membership.

According to DermTech, studies have shown that the gene expression assay has a 99 percent negative predictive value.

The agreement with BCBSTX comes after two Blue Cross agreements in late 2020 and recent inclusion in National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines, Cowen analyst Doug Schenkel noted in a research note published on Thursday. Agreements with BCBS of Illinois made the assay available to about 7 million members and with Blue Shield of California to about 3.7 million members.


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