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- XiFin Launches XiFin LIS 7 and Announces a New Strategic Partnership with Dolbey

XiFin Launches XiFin LIS 7 and Announces a New Strategic Partnership with Dolbey
September 11, 2020The COVID-19 pandemic has created a tremendous uptick in diagnostic testing. The significant drop in routine test volume experienced in late March through April that was due to the COVID-19 pandemic has for the most part recovered, and the addition of COVID testing has pushed clinical laboratory test volumes well above traditional levels. This means lab leaders need new capabilities and automation that increase throughput, making operations more efficient.
XiFin is helping laboratories respond to these challenges with the newest release of its award-winning cloud-based laboratory information system, XiFin LIS 7. This release features new capabilities that further support high-complexity, high-volume labs, including integrated speech recognition, available through a strategic partnership with Dolbey and Company, Inc.
Through the partnership, XiFin LIS 7 now integrates Dolbey’s cloud-based voice recognition solution, Fusion Narrate® powered by nVoq™. This valuable combination of technologies provides physicians and pathologists with speech recognition tools enabling voice commands and allowing seamless dictation of case findings and other observations with a high degree of accuracy.
With integrated voice dictation and voice navigation, physicians and pathologists can review slides and input diagnoses into XiFin LIS and navigate within the system hands-free. This eliminates “click fatigue” and dramatically increases case throughput.
The core capabilities of XiFin LIS are reinforced in this latest release, including configuration-based and automated workflow modules that support many different testing specialties. Enhanced data organization, aggregation, and presentation capabilities help make it faster and easier for high-volume laboratories and pathology practices to keep up with increasing case workload.
Specific XiFin LIS 7 improvements include:
Configurable worklist filters so users can customize their data view. This provides new levels of flexibility to organize and prioritize work.
New case status screens that provide a single, 360-degree patient overview. This new view aggregates all relevant patient data, including patient history associated with the case, and related, uploaded documents. It also includes a breadcrumb map so the user can easily see exactly where a particular accession is in the workflow at any particular time. This new screen also allows users to quickly edit an accession, if needed.
New batch resulting screen with configurable data layouts allows users, particularly in high-volume labs to present batches of multiple patient cases for sign-out in exactly the data layout desired to improve speed of throughput to completion. This makes it easy for users to manage by exception, using pre-defined reference ranges or limits, to confidently touch only those accessions that appear to be exceptions, saving time, and speeding workflow completion.
To learn more about the new XiFin LIS 7 capabilities and benefits and to watch a brief video on the benefits of the integration of XiFin LIS and Fusion Narrate click below.