Appreciation for Dedicated Lab Warriors
April 23, 2020Laboratory Professionals Week, April 19-25, is an annual celebration of lab professionals and pathologists who play a vital role in healthcare and patient advocacy.
This year, Lab Week is occurring while lab professionals and pathologists are staunchly working and sacrificing on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Laboratory professionals have been working around the clock to bring new testing online for patients who need answers. And as we reported this week, although COVID-19 volume is ramping up, routine laboratory volume has taken a large hit, placing additional pressure on laboratories. As celebrations of all sorts are postponed and rescheduled during the pandemic, Lab Week remains a time to reflect on labs’ role in healthcare; to thank labs for all they do, and to let them know we are here for them.
We salute laboratories for their steadfast service in this crisis; they are vividly demonstrating the importance of the laboratory network and keeping it healthy. But as XiFin CEO Lale White explains, “We should also recognize that ongoing cost-cutting has put them in a sometimes-untenable financial position at a time when we need their services the most. Now that CMS has increased reimbursement for COVID-19 testing, we need private payors to also ensure labs will be paid adequately for the important work they are doing.”
Diagnostic providers are at the forefront of the rapid response efforts to identify patients with COVID-19. We want to thank our customers and labs in general, for their selfless actions for patients. XiFin is proud to support laboratories’ operational needs during this high stakes time, as we continue to deploy resources to respond to growing needs.
Over the last few weeks, XiFin has:
Reaching out
From everyone at XiFin, we are grateful to our lab customers for their ongoing dedication and perseverance, and for what all lab professionals are doing to combat COVID-19. Don’t hesitate to reach out with your needs and questions, and thank you for your service now — and always.