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Boost Your Lab’s Revenue with an Effective TCPC Program

December 1, 2017

To help counteract ongoing lab revenue constriction, TCPC programs are a smart way for labs to drive new revenue and build stronger partnerships with physician clients. By executing the technical components of complex lab tests, the laboratory takes advantage of their capacity and investment in equipment and lab personnel to drive incremental revenue.

The partner physician provides the professional, diagnostic component of the test, enabling them to drive ancillary revenue without having to invest in the equipment, instruments, or human resources. As a result, both parties benefit from a division of specialty labor.

TCPC programs provide a real opportunity for labs to drive new revenue and build stronger relationships with their clients and partners. XiFin LIS provides labs with the key capabilities they need to launch and grow a successful TCPC program.

While revenue sharing agreements are a well-accepted concept in the laboratory business, they can be a challenge to execute without the right systems to support them. One of the most important technologies in a streamlined TCPC arrangement is the TC lab’s laboratory information system (LIS). To be successful, it is critical to implement a streamlined workflow solution for both parties. 

The lab system must support both the technical processing of the test and the data entry as well as the presentation of the technical data, including imaging, to the partner physician. The physician, in turn, must have the capabilities to create a professional patient report.  

To effectively scale a TCPC program, that lab’s LIS needs to provide:

  • Easy partner set-up
  • Dynamic workflow to share the technical results with the revenue-sharing partner
  • Secure access to the technical results by the partner
  • Customizable templates for the PC partner to report results back to the ordering physician
  • A mechanism to split the TC and PC charges

To learn more about how to effectively create and manage a valuable TCPC program, download our datasheet and sign up for our TCPC Webinar occurring on February 22, 2018. XiFin Experts: Vice President of Sales, Conor Ward and Assistant Vice President of LIS Product Development, Joe Nollar will be explaining how to drive new revenue and build stronger relationships with a TCPC program.

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